Where Can I Serve?
Lawn mowing ministry. The church has two riding mowers for the job and weed wacker. We will take all the help we can get to split up the task among many. If you have time available through out the summer please let John Edwards know and he will coordinate what weeks to cut grass.
Welcome and Activity Ministry
We are always looking for folks to assist us in connecting with our congregation and community with welcoming and fun events. If this is something for you please let us know and we will get you connected.
Prayer Warriors
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty.
Live broadcast of service
We broadcast our Sunday morning service live. We are looking for folks who would like to take a turn at running the audio visual system Sunday mornings. If interested let Vince MacFadden know or email the church secretary, belviderefbcoffice@gmail.com.
White Cross Mission Work
Our church has supported White Cross Mission Work for many years. We are sending money to help where needed and will support two stateside missions with donations from our congregation: Friendship House of Christian Service, Peoria, IL. and Bethel Neighborhood Center Kansas City, KS.
At this time we are collecting items for the Friendship House. There is a list posted in the fellowship hall and we will deliver items in early November. Thank you for supporting this important family mission. Ada Stearns Fellowship, First Baptist Church, Belvidere
Welcome Ministries